Costumes created for the Carnival Parade, with themes from the sea: girls dressed as mermaids and boys as fishermen.

Desfiles de Carnaval dos alunos do 1º Ciclo com temas do mar: as raparigas foram vestidas de sereias e os rapazes de pescadores.

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A carnival is a festive season which includes a public celebration or parade combining some instincts with street festivals, masks, circus, etc. They actually mark a rollover of daily life, to celebrate the joy of a festival. Carnival involve people dressing up in costumes, dances, drinks, music, etc parties to create a separate world of its own. Observed among the world's many Carnival is Rio de Carnival Jenario popular for fun, excitement and joy it offers. Some are traditional, such as Venice Carnival events in many cities and regions of the world is watching.
In my last festival I want to buy some beautiful costumes for Mardi Gras. But I do not find the best. Now I have searched and found some of the best Mardi Gras costume. See this link, and I hope you can also choose your festival clothes.

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Informações sobre o projecto Living by the sea
Info on the project Living by the sea