Contest for all the pupils: find what has got the same name...above and under the water.....

Mrs Lavoie came to give the pupils the results.

A guide from the National Park came to teach to the youngest classes how to recognize the 5 kinds of turtles we can see in Guadeloupe, what they eat and how we can protect them.

Meeting with a guide from the National Park. He explains to the children the aim of the park and teaches them how the coral grows, how it gets its colour and why you must take care of it.

Typical recipes from the Algarve, Portugal

Arroz de Polvo (Octopus with rice) - Recipe made by Luís's grandmother

Carapaus alimados (Mackerel) - Recipe made by Carlos's mother

Açorda de Camarão (Pranw "Açorda")- Recipe made by Gustavo's mother

Massada de Peixe (Fish with elbow pasta) - Recipe made by Rafael's mother

Recipes from the Algarve

Work done by the pupils of 7º E in Project Work, under the supervision of teachers Rolando Correia and Ditza Graça.

Latvian recipes - work done by the pupils at Mezciema Pamatskola

May 2010, Riga
Concert by the school children

March 2010, Olhão

Entre os dias 23 e 26 de Março de 2010, a nossa escola acolheu a segunda reunião de acompanhamento do Projecto Living by the sea. Estiveram presentes um total de 68 pessoas, entre alunos, professores e encarregados de educação:
Dinamarca - 8 professores e 22 alunos;
França (Argelès sur mer) - 4 professores e 10 alunos;
França (Guadalupe) - 2 professores;
Grécia - 5 professores, 5 alunos e 1 encarregado de educação;
Irlanda - 3 professores;
Islândia - 2 professores;
Letónia - 6 professores.

Os alunos franceses ficaram alojados em casa de alunos da nossa escola. Para esse efeito, depois de ser enviada informação aos encarregados de educação de 6 turmas, foram seleccionados 10 alunos que hospedaram, durante 6 dias, os alunos franceses. Foram também seleccionados 4 alunos para hospedar alunos dinamarqueses durante uma noite. Os alunos desta escola que acolheram alunos estrangeiros em suas casas foram os seguintes:
Ana Catarina Patarata - 9ºB; Ana Marta Neves - 7ºE; Ana Paula Romualdo - 8ºA; Ana Raquel Martins - 9ºB; Ana Rita Cativo - 8ºA; Bianca Vicente - 7ºE; Francisco Oliveira - 8ºB; João Martins - 8ºA; Miguel Amaral - 8ºA; Rafael Silva - 8ºA; Rita Brito - 7ºE; Sara Apolo - 9ºB; Sofia Gomes - 7ºE; Soraia Lapa - 9ºB
A Direcção da escola e a professora coordenadora do projecto agradecem a todas as famílias que acolheram alunos em suas casas pela sua importante contribuição em prol do sucesso desta reunião.

Between 23rd and 26th March 2010, our school held the secong meeting of the Project Living by the sea. We welcomed 68 people: 37 pupils, 30 teachers and 1 parent

Denmark - 8 teachers and 22 pupils;
France (Argelès sur mer) - 4 teachers and 10 pupils;
France (Guadalupe) - 2 teachers;
Greece - 5 teachers, 5 pupils and 1 parent;
Ireland - 3 teachers;
Iceland - 2 teachers;
Latvia - 6 teachers.

The following Portuguese pupils hosted Danish and French pupils at their homes:
Ana Catarina Patarata - 9ºB; Ana Marta Neves - 7ºE; Ana Paula Romualdo - 8ºA; Ana Raquel Martins - 9ºB; Ana Rita Cativo - 8ºA; Bianca Vicente - 7ºE; Francisco Oliveira - 8ºB; João Martins - 8ºA; Miguel Amaral - 8ºA; Rafael Silva - 8ºA; Rita Brito - 7ºE; Sara Apolo - 9ºB; Sofia Gomes - 7ºE; Soraia Lapa - 9ºB

Concert by the school children
The Portuguese pupils prepared traditional dances from the Algarve and songs related to the sea to entertain their friends.

Os professores da Dinamarca foram recebidos pelos alunos do 8º A, que apresentaram um filme elaborado por duas alunas da turma, com a colaboração do professor Inácio Serafim.
The teachers from Denmark visited the 8thA, who showed them a film about Denmark that they had produced with the help of teacher Inácio Serafim.

As professoras da França foram recebidas pelos alunos do 8º B, que apresentaram um Powerpoint elaborado pela turma, com a colaboração da professora Elsa Lopes.
The teachers from France visited the 8thB, who showed them a Powerpoint presentation produced with the help of teacher Elsa Lopes.

Os professores da Grécia foram recebidos pelos alunos do 6º A, que apresentaram um Powerpoint elaborado pela turma, com a colaboração da professora Ana Herculano.
The teachers from Greece visited the 6thA, who showed them a Powerpoint presentation produced with the help of teacher Ana Herculano.

As professoras de Guadalupe foram recebidas pelos alunos do 5º C, que apresentaram um Powerpoint elaborado pela turma, com a colaboração da professora Lígia Neves.
The teachers from Guadeloupe visited the 5thC, who showed them a Powerpoint presentation produced with the help of teacher Lígia Neves.

Os professores da Irlanda foram recebidos pelos alunos do 6º C, que apresentaram um Powerpoint elaborado pela turma, com a colaboração da professora Carla Cássio.
The teachers from Ireland visited the 6thC, who showed them a Powerpoint presentation produced with the help of teacher Carla Cássio.

Os professores da Islândia foram recebidos pelos alunos do 7º E, que apresentaram um Powerpoint elaborado pela turma, com a colaboração do professor Rolando Correia.
The teachers from Iceland visited the 7thE, who showed them a Powerpoint presentation produced with the help of teacher Rolando Correia.

As professoras da Letónia foram recebidas pelos alunos do 7º B, que apresentaram um Powerpoint elaborado pela turma, com a colaboração das professoras Ditza Graça e Ema Salero.
The teachers from Latvia visited the 7thB, who showed them a Powerpoint presentation produced with the help of teachers Ditza Graça and Ema Salero.

Day 1 - Wednesday, 24th March
Official welcoming

Braveland park

Day 2 - Thursday, 25th March
Bus trip to several cultural and historical sites

Day 3 - Friday, 26th March
Boat trip to Ilha do Farol (Lighthouse island)

Day 4 - Saturday, 27th March
Farewell lunch

October 2009, Killarney

Our school was visited by 22 teachers from European countries that are working with us on our Comenius project “Living by the sea" last October. It was a very exciting time for parents, children and teachers. We had lots of preparation to do
beforehand which was hard work but good fun as well.

Concert by the school children

Irish songs and dances were performed by our pupils.

In the classroom

Halloween parade

Tree planting cerimony

Latvian logos

Portuguese logos

These are the logos created by the pupils from Latvia and Portugal.

Estes são os logotipos criados pelos alunos das escolar da Letónia e de Portugal. O logotipo escolhido para representar a nossa escola foi criado a partir de um esboço realizado pelo aluno Pedro Ribeiro, do 9ºC.